Dear Willamette Student and Parent/Guardian, (Para traducir todas las palabras de esta página, utilice el botón del idioma localizado en la parte superior del lado izquierdo). The WHS scheduling team is actively revising student schedules for the third term of school (the next 6 weeks of classes). Schedules are available to preview via the Home...Read More
Hello Clear Lake Families, Read below for an opportunity to provide input on the skills and knowledge you want to see in our new Bethel Superintendent.Read More
Hello Prairie Mountain Community, Distance learning may present challenges in staying connected to your student's school, but our amazing PTO just keeps rolling along with positive energy. I'm excited about the plans they have to support all of our students.Read More
The Bethel School Board needs your input as they begin the search for our new Superintendent. I strongly encourage all of you to be a part of this process. Please email or call me if you have any questions about Bethel's Superintendent search.Read More
Hi Willamette Families, The search for a new Bethel School Superintendent is underway, and we need your input! What qualities are you expecting in a new leader for our school district? There are multiple ways for you to contribute! Hola familias de Willamette, La búsqueda de un nuevo superintendente de la escuela Bethel está en...Read More
Prairie Mountain Community, I have the best news ever to share with you today. Our school is one of fifty winners nationwide to win "Two Screens for Teachers". Go Eagles!Read More