After more than a year away, elementary students are back in Bethel schools. Meeting in a Hybrid format, students in grades 1-5 returned to class, joining their kindergarten peers who started in-person learning before Spring break. The first day for elementary students resembled a normal energetic first day of school in September with parents escorting...Read More
Free grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches will still be available for Bethel students during Spring Break. Free multi-day meal bags will be available for all children 18 and under. They can be picked up at Willamette High School or Prairie Mountain School on Tuesday, March 23, between 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.Read More
The first day of school is special regardless of when it takes place. Excited students, a few tearful parents, and welcoming staff were seen throughout Bethel School District for the start of Hybrid instruction for Kindergarten students. In order to maintain social distancing guidelines, a small cohort of students is attending Monday & Tuesday with...Read More
The search for Bethel’s next superintendent that began with 21 applications has been narrowed to three finalists. After application screening and an initial round of interviews, the three finalists are: Bernadette Hall-Cuaron, Teacher Leader Facilitator, Van Buren Middle School, Albuquerque, New Mexico Dan Hedberg, Principal, Willamette High School Kraig Sproles, Assistant Superintendent, Salem-Keizer Public Schools...Read More
The Governor’s unexpected order about when schools must start in-person instruction has resulted in a slight change to Bethel’s previously announced Hybrid reopening schedule. The District had to slightly shift its timelines for grades 3, 4 and 5 in order to meet the new requirement. Here is the newly updated reopening schedule. Adjustments to our...Read More