Officer Naivasha Tester is all about building community through relationships. Her main strategy? Face-to-face connection and conversation. Tester is the Bethel School District’s new Youth Services Officer. Hired in January, Tester is approaching her new role with a youth-centered focus. She wants to collaborate with students to provide them with the resources they need when...Read More
About 40 middle and high school students from Willamette High School and Cascade and Shasta middle schools gathered last week at Willamette for a joint Black Student Union meeting – and the atmosphere was buzzing with positivity and support. Students made their way from all three schools to the lecture hall at Willamette on their...Read More
Updated guidance from the state 03-02-2022 On Wednesday, March 2, the Oregon Department of Education released an updated Ready Schools, Safe Learners Resiliency Framework (RSSL) which outlines details of how school district can approach the next phase of this pandemic. This update follows Bethel’s announcement on Tuesday that masks will become optional for all students...Read More
03-01-2022 The Bethel School District this afternoon provided information to all Bethel families and staff about how the district will move forward with mask policies. Beginning March 14th, masks will be optional for students and staff in most Bethel School District settings. Some staff may remain required to wear masks in some settings. This decision...Read More
The Bethel School District is thrilled to welcome all incoming kindergarten students and their families to register for the 2022-23 school year. Kindergarten orientation will be held virtually for each Bethel school on March 9! Please call the school of your choice to sign up and get more information. Phone numbers and zoom links to...Read More
Black History Month at Prairie Mountain School Students at Prairie Mountain are recognizing Black History Month in a creative AND educational way. A collection of large poster boards located outside of the school showcase a series of historical Black figures who have influenced America in one way or another. The people highlighted, however, are not...Read More