Sick Time Policy

Classified Substitutes


Bethel School District provides substitute employees with paid sick time per the Oregon State Sick Time regulations OAR 839; Division 7.


As of January 1, 2016, substitute employees are eligible for sick time accrual starting with their first day of employment.


  1. Substitute employees shall accrue sick time at the rate of one hour of paid sick time for every thirty hours worked on, or after January 1, 2016.
  2. Substitute employees are limited to using no more than forty hours of sick time in a fiscal year (July 1st-June 30th). A usbstitute employee may carry up to forty hours of unused sick time from one year to the subsequent fiscal year.
  3. Substitute employees’ accumulated sick time balance is located on the employee’s pay stub under “Accumulated Time.”


All substitute employees will have the right to use their accrued sick time beginning on or after their ninety-first (91st) calendar day of employment. A substitute employee may use sick time for a previously scheduled shift, for the following reasons:

  1. The employee’s own physical or mental illness, injury, or health condition; need for medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or need for preventative care.
  2. To care for a family member with a physical or mental illness, injury, or health condition; need for medical diagnosis, care or treatment of a mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; or need for preventative care for a family member, as defined by FMLA/OFLA.
  3. For any purposed coverage under the Oregon Family Leave Act as specified in ORS 659A.150-659A.186.

Attendance and Call-in

The District requires as much notice as possible to use paid sick time. In order to use this time, the substitute employee will be required to have held a substitute position for a minimum of twelve hours before canceling. The substitute employee shall cancel the job in the Absence Management system and notify the Human Resources Department to request use of sick time. The employee should be prepared to provide a specific reason for the cancellation.

Return to Work

The District reserves the right, after five consecutive days of absence, to require proof from an employee of personal illness or injury, including a medical examination by a physician chosen and paid for by the District. An employee refusing to submit to such an examination or to provide other evidence as requested by the District, shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


Classified Substitute employees may use sick time in hourly increments. Licensed substitutes are required to use sick time in four hour blocks up to a total of eight hours per day.


Please contact us!

Assistant Superintendent and Human Resources Director

Remie Calalang
541-689-3280 Ext. 2101