Bethel students are provided computer access privileges at school, as well as access to the Internet, email, digital communication and collaboration tools, online learning spaces, and electronic educational resources. These tools, equipment and resources are essential to teaching and learning.
Each student is given an account in Active Directory that they will use to log on to any district-owned computer within the district network. These credentials are used to access the Destiny Library Catalog, Google Workspace for Education and online curriculum.
This suite of apps is hosted by Google and managed by the District. This collection of online applications provides students with a Google email account, calendar and access to Google Drive, where students can create, share and publish documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and other products of their learning.
Most of the curriculum adopted in the District is accompanied by or depends on access to an online system where content and assessments are stored. Many of these systems require students to have a unique account created for them which allows them to access supplemental content, take quizzes, and strengthen their understanding about the ideas in a content area.
StudentSquare, a tool for students inside ParentSquare, allows school staff and high school students to directly communicate with each other via email, text and app.
PowerSchool is the Student Information System (SIS) used by Bethel School District. It is a web-based application that allows parents and students to log into a secure account from any location where they can access assignments, grades and attendance, request reports, email teachers and more.
Bethel’s technology systems needs occasional routine maintenance to ensure updated and secure functionality. These maintenance tasks may require downtime and have an impact on one’s ability to access web pages, blogs, email or other Bethel School District technical systems.
Bethel staff: Please leave your computers onsite on Wednesday evenings, plugged in and turned on, so that they receive the latest software and security updates.