Mural Provides Native Presence at Cascade

The artist Teak adds finishing touches to his Native American mural in the new Cascade Middle School.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new Cascade Middle School will also be the debut of a beautiful Native American mural above the commons area in the new school.

The artist, Teak is from a tiny town in Alaska and is a member of the Clinket tribe.

He was selected to create a unique Native American-style mural that introduces culture, heritage and local flora and fauna to the new building. Cascade is built on land that was once home to Native Americans.

Teak’s design includes a water spirit in a lake, the Three Sisters mountains, camas flowers, a Great Blue Heron, dragonflies, geese and of course the school’s mascot, a cougar.

You can see Teak’s completed mural at the Cascade ribbon-cutting ceremony August 27th at 5:00.