What a week!
Students and staff returned to school buildings across the Bethel district this week and it was a blast. Teachers, principals and other school staff greeted students outside and made sure they got to their correct classrooms. Crossing guards ensured safe walking and nutrition services staff worked to get meals to every student in the district. Counselors printed out schedules and student leaders helped to guide new students through their first days of high school.
We are thrilled to welcome everyone back for the 2021-22 school year, and we’re so proud of the way that our students and families navigated the first week. As with every start to the school year, it will take time to settle into new routines and smooth out our processes, but we are so excited to have everyone back, regardless of the bumps.
Thank you to each person who helped our students return to buildings this week, including parents, family members, teachers, administrators, bus drivers, nutrition services staff and everyone else working behind the scenes to get our school year started.