State testing will begin soon in Bethel and across the state. Students in grades 3-8 & 11 will test in math and English language arts, and students in grades 5, 8 & 11 will test in science. Most students participate in state testing, but parents have the right to opt their children out if they choose. Statewide testing windows are open from April 1 – June 13 for grades 3-8 and February 4 – June 13 for grade 11. Exact dates will be determined as we near the testing window.
Why does my child’s participation matter?
While no single assessment can give a complete picture of your child’s progress, having your child take the statewide assessments provides educators and administrators with one source of information about what educational approaches are working and where additional resources may be needed. Your child’s participation is important to ensure schools and districts receive the targeted resources they need to help all students succeed.
English Language Arts & Math Opt Out
To submit a form to opt your student out of testing for math and English language arts, please fill out the form below and return it to your student’s school.
English Language Arts and Math Opt Out Form
Formulario de exclusión voluntaria de lengua y literatura inglesa y matemáticas
Science & ELPA Exemption
If you wish to exempt your student from the science assessment, or English Language Proficiency Assessment please fill out the form below and return it to your student’s school.