School Pictures

Lifetouch photography will be in our building again next week to re-photograph students needing retakes, or any students who were absent on picture day. If your student needs retakes, please send the picture packet you are returning to school with your student on your retake day.
If you missed picture day and still want to order school pictures, please go to to pre-order your pictures. Prairie Mountain’s Picture Day ID is: EVTC8HSBD

Retake Day Schedule:
Monday, May 17th: Hybrid “A” day students during the school day. Picture packets for Hybrid students will be sent home with students.
Bethel Online students with last names beginning with A-M may drop in to our north gym between noon and 4:00 on the 17th. This is the same place you came for pictures in April. Please come to the office to pick up your pictures between 7:00 and 3:00 on school days.

Thursday, May 20th: Hybrid “B” day students during the school day. Picture packets for Hybrid students will be sent home with students.
Bethel Online students with last names beginning N-Z may drop in to our north gym between noon and 4:00 on the 20th. This is the same place your came for pictures in April. Please come to the office to pick up your picture packets between 7:00 and 3:00 on school days.