Some major Bethel bond-related improvement projects are quickly being addressed while students and staff are gone during the summer months. A major renovation is taking place in Clear Lake, turning two classrooms into appropriate space for the Life Skills program. The makeover will include spaces and utilities specifically designed for students in the program. Bethel...Read More
Hey Danebo Families, We miss you! Thanks for getting your child registered (or contacting the office if you need help). Click on the link for information about the Assistance League Food Pantry on Thursday. Thanks for staying in touch and stay well!Read More
Hi Danebo Families, We miss you! Here is a look at our students’ schedules during Comprehensive Distance Learning. We also have information on the distribution of Chromebooks for Bethel students. Hola familias de Danebo, Te extranamos! Aquí puede ver los horarios de nuestros estudiantes durante el Aprendizaje Integral a Distancia. También tenemos información sobre la...Read More
Hi Danebo families, There will be a Bethel school bond measure on the ballot this November. It will not increase the tax rate. Click for some facts on what you will be voting on in Bethel. Hola familias de la escuela Danebo, Habrá una medida de bonos de la escuela Bethel en la boleta este...Read More
Estimados padres de Familia Usted puede presionar el botón de traducción a su lado derecho localizado en el blog de la página de nuestra escuela y le traducirá la forma escrita en español. Registration A reminder that all families need to complete the online registration process for the 2020-21 school year. Returning families can access...Read More