Prairie Mountain


Parent/Guardian Collaboration and Connection Group for Responding to Challenging Behaviors During Distance Learning

Hello Families, We are here to support you and your students with distance learning. Let us share strategies that may work for you. We do our best work when we do it together!
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CovidVaccine glass bottles

School Board Urges Vaccines For Staff Before Reopening

Hello Prairie Mountain Community, I have important news to share with you regarding the Bethel School Board's decision on moving towards in-person instruction.
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Reopening Schools banner

Changes Bring Schools Closer To Hybrid Instruction

Hi Prairie Mountain Families, Another new set of guidelines have come down from the state around the reopening of our schools. Bethel Superintendent Chris Parra has promised to keep everyone informed with updated information, and here is her latest message. Hola familias de Prairie Mountain, El estado ha emitido otro nuevo conjunto de pautas en...
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Attendance Shouts Outs

I am delighted to honor all students giving their best effort to attend class every day. Way to soar, Eagles! Check out this week's Attendance Shout Outs.
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PTO Update

Hello Prairie Mountain, At our last PTO meeting we learned about the many ways our counseling team is actively supporting our students. We are so grateful for their positive, impactful support. Check out what else our great PTO team is working on.
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Attendance Shout Outs

Hello Prairie Mountain, We honor all students for giving their personal best every day. Today I am sharing the attendance shout outs from last week. Keep soaring, Eagles!
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