Hello Prairie Mountain Families! It is time to start planning for Conferences and we are looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s school performance and progress. If you haven’t filled out the sign up form yet please follow this link and submit a response for each student as soon as possible… https://forms.gle/DoxSAFrsZKTrcZCv9Read More
Hello Prairie Mountain Families! This Thursday (November 18th) is picture retake day. If your student wasn’t at school on picture day or if you would like them to retake their photo please alert their homeroom teacher and ask to have them attend the retake session.Read More
Can you believe November is here? Bethel School District just announced some changes to our calendar and we wanted to make sure everyone gets the update. Read More
Our students and staff are so excited to be back in person and we have been settling into classes and schedules. As we continue to get into our rhythms and routines we wanted to send out a few reminders…Read More
Greetings Prairie Mountain Community, This week we were so excited to welcome back most of our staff as they prepare for our students to return in person. As the first day of school approaches here are a few key updates. Please read carefully as there is a lot of important information.Read More