Prairie Mountain


Supporting PTO with Pizza

Here's an easy and fun way to support our PTO. Hoping to see you at Papa's Pizza on W. 11th on Monday.
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Important information for Families

Hello Prairie Mountain, Please take a moment to read today's webpage update thoroughly. We want our hybrid opening to be smooth and easy for all.
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Introducing Our K-5 Staff

Hello Prairie Mountain Community, I am so excited to see plans coming into place as we prepare to welcome students for either in-person learning through Hybrid, or Comprehensive Distance Learning through Bethel Online Academy. Take a peek at this slide show to introduce you to our in-person and online elementary staff. We are here for...
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Attendance Counts, It’s a Fact!

Hello Prairie Mountain, If you make a habit of listening to my daily announcements, you have no doubt heard me say over and over again, "Remember that we believe in you". I'm sharing another group of students that make my heart happy by showing up and doing their best. I will always believe in you.
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Hybrid Reopening Schedule Adjusted After New Order

Prairie Mountain Families, Last Friday, the Governor issued an executive order for reopening in-person learning for Oregon schools. As a result, Bethel has shifted our reopening timeline for grades 3, 4 & 5. Click the link below to learn more about reopening dates and some changes including no school for grades 3, 4 & 5...
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Hybrid Reopening Schedule

Hello Everyone, We are delighted to finally give you specific dates on when we can welcome our Hybrid students back into our building. I am also sharing information about school calendar changes.
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