Greetings Prairie Mountain Community, This week we were so excited to welcome back most of our staff as they prepare for our students to return in person. As the first day of school approaches here are a few key updates. Please read carefully as there is a lot of important information.Read More
A significant increase in the number of local COVID cases has resulted in Lane County being moved to the High Risk level. This shift will not change our school’s Hybrid instruction format Shasta’s student cohort schedules will remain the same All Bethel schools’ health and safety protocols will continue NOTE: Though we will be able...Read More
More news, Kalapuya Families. The jump in COVID cases has pushed Lane County into the High Risk level. Click the link for what it means for KHS.Read More
After more than a year away, elementary students are back in Bethel schools. Meeting in a Hybrid format, students in grades 1-5 returned to class, joining their kindergarten peers who started in-person learning before Spring break. The first day for elementary students resembled a normal energetic first day of school in September with parents escorting...Read More
The first day of school is special regardless of when it takes place. Excited students, a few tearful parents, and welcoming staff were seen throughout Bethel School District for the start of Hybrid instruction for Kindergarten students. In order to maintain social distancing guidelines, a small cohort of students is attending Monday & Tuesday with...Read More