The first day of school in Bethel School District is Monday, September 21. Para obtener la versión en español de este sitio web, haga clic en el cuadro Idioma en la esquina superior izquierda. More than 1,000 grab-and-go student meals were provided at every school Friday, still more Chromebooks are being distributed to students (more...Read More
Excerpt Message: Hi Clear Lake families, The Bethel School Board has met in an emergency session, and the first day of school in Bethel School District has been postponed until Monday, September 21. This is due to the significant impact on staff and Bethel families from the McKenzie River fires and the other uncontrolled wildfires...Read More
Meet Your Teacher Events On Thursday evening, September 10th, depending on the grade level, teachers will be hosting a variety of ways to introduce themselves to you.Read More