Shasta families, Want to learn more about what's happening at Shasta, including some fun new clubs for students to join? Click below for more information. Brady Cottle, PrincipalRead More
Hi Shasta Families, Here is important news about logging into Chromebooks, accessing Google Classroom, and updated student usernames. Click the link for the details. Hola familias de Shasta Aquí hay noticias importantes sobre cómo iniciar sesión en Chromebooks, acceder a Google Classroom y los nombres de usuario actualizados de los estudiantes. Haga clic en el...Read More
As we get closer to the first day of online school on Monday, September 14, Shasta staff have been hard at work preparing interactive curriculum for your student.Read More
Once again Joy Church shares their time and resources to make Shasta shine! Una vez más, Joy Church comparte su tiempo y recursos para hacer brillar a Shasta.Read More
Hi Shasta families, The first day of school is still two weeks away but there is a lot of important information to share. Click the link below to read about students’ schedules, using our online learning systems, the upcoming Family Information Sessions, attendance, grading, and more. Hola familias de Shasta, Aún faltan dos semanas para...Read More