Hi WHS families, Here is information about state testing, and how to opt out of testing. Remember, at the high school level, this only applies to students who are juniors. Encuentre esta información sobre las pruebas estatales y cómo optar por no participar. Recuerde, en el nivel de la escuela secundaria, esto solo se aplica...Read More
The Federal government has approved Oregon’s request to greatly reduce the amount of standardized testing required for this school year. This spring, Oregon districts are still required to make tests available to students in the following grades: Grade Level Test 3 English Language Arts (ELA) 4 Mathematics 5 Science 6 ELA 7 ELA & Math...Read More
Please read this information carefully regarding upcoming State Testing for our students in grades 3-8. I have included information on the process for opting out, should you choose to do so. Please let me know if you have any questions about State Testing.Read More
I had one of the BEST mornings today, because I had the joy and pleasure of welcoming our middle school students back into our building. Middle school families, I have important details for you and your students.Read More
Bethel School District is offering free COVID-19 vaccines for Bethel students ages 16 and older. This is a completely voluntary opportunity and an effort to keep our community healthy. The vaccine clinics, staged at Willamette High School, will be open to age-eligible students currently enrolled in Bethel School District. The clinics will be managed by...Read More