Hi Willamette Families, Here is important news about logging into Chromebooks, accessing Google Classroom, and updated student usernames. Click the link for the details. Hola familias de Willamette, Aquí hay noticias importantes sobre cómo iniciar sesión en Chromebooks, acceder a Google Classroom y los nombres de usuario actualizados de los estudiantes. Haga clic en el...Read More
The Senior Class of 2022 celebrated the end of the first full week of school with an amazing Senior Sunrise event. Students gathered in Wolverine Stadium for a sunrise celebration filled with music, donuts, and prizes. It was the perfect way to launch their senior year in style! There has been much to celebrate all...Read More
Dear Wolverines, (Utilice el botón en la parte superior de esta página para traducir todas las palabras.) The 2020-21 school year is just one week away! Willamette teachers are working hard in preparation for the start of the school year and we are all very excited to be interacting with students again soon. Here are...Read More
Bethel School District will check out Chromebooks to K-12 students who need a device to take part in Comprehensive Distance Learning. Below is the remaining time for pickup. Willamette students were scheduled for pick up earlier this week, however, there is still another opportunity Thursday. In addition, if families are not able to pick up...Read More
Willamette Families, As we near the close of summer and the start of another school year, we are excited to see our students again, even though we know things will look a little different this year. We have missed them tremendously, and can’t wait to support them in new and exciting ways. With that said,...Read More